#WorkoutWednesday: Runner’s Plyometric Workout

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Pin Share Flip Save Happy Wednesday everyone! I have a rare day off of work today…

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I have a rare day off of work today on this cold, rainy, dreary Wednesday and I was so excited to have a day off to enjoy some outdoor time by myself, and was planning to take my camera out for a lovely fall hike, but alas, the weather has other plans for me. As I sit here enjoying my morning coffee in silence while the kids are at school I’m coming up with plan B for my day.  

autumn rain

What to do? What to do?  Shall I clean the house? Go shopping? Sit here and write blog posts?

Oh wait, I know! It’s Wild Workout Wednesday with Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama, Angelena Marie from Angelena Marie: Happy, Healthy & Balanced, Michelle at Fruition Fitness and Nicole from Fitful Focus.  While I do workout on Wednesdays, I rarely have the time to write-up my workouts to share with you, but today is different, I have ALL DAY so I thought I’d share with a workout I like to do here at home.  Besides, there’s nothing quite like a good heart pumping workout to make you feel better, especially on a yucky fall day.

This is a plyometric workout that I like to do that’s great for runners and for other endurance athletes.  

What are plyometrics?

A plyometric movement is a quick, powerful move that starts with an eccentric (muscle lengthening) action and is immediately followed by a concentric (muscle shortening) action. Performing plyometric movements increases muscular power, which translates to higher jumps and faster sprint times.

Back when Mike Meadows was my trainer, he would occasionally put me through a similar workout, though he would add in medicine ball standing long jumps etc.  I loved the workouts because I felt like I was getting a cardio and strength workout all in one.  They were very challenging.  

I’ll start with a 5 minute warm up walking up and down the stairs, then do three circuits of the exercises below.  Each movement will be done for 1 minute, with a 30 second rest between movements.  I’ve set up the Gymboss App on my phone as a timer to beep for each work and rest interval:

Gymboss set up for Plyometric Intervals

Here’s the workout I’m going to do today:

Plyometric workout for runners


[easy-tweet tweet=”Stuck inside? Here’s a great plyomteric workout that will get your heart pumping!” user=”salads4lunch” hashtags=”runchat” template=”light”]

I’ll update this post with a sweaty selfie once my workout is done.  Have a great day everyone and I hope you enjoy the workout!

EDIT: As promised, here are the sweaty pics of me doing today’s workout. I love those skater jumps!


Question: What’s your favourite rainy day workout?


More recipes to enjoy:

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  1. Alanlanis says:

    I found this blog post to be a game-changer for my running routine. The plyometric exercises offered in the workout have not only improved my running performance but have also added variety and fun to my training sessions.

  2. Christy@ My Dirt Road Anthem says:

    I love any kind of HIIT type workouts, especially bodyweight, with a few burpees ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says:

    I love the lunges with the front kicks and the glute bridges. If it’s too rainy to run outside I will go to spin class. Hope your day is not a total bust!

  4. Beverley @ sweaty&fit says:

    This rain is the worstttt!! I asked my co-worker if the sun even rose today because i am convinced IT DID NOT! Todays workout calls for a fun HIIT circuit. My legs are still sore from Monday but i’ll probably incorporate a few of those exercises above into it. Thanks!!

    1. No problem, have a great workout & I hope the sun comes out soon!

  5. Nicole @ Fitful Focus says:

    Great rainy day workout! I love plyometrics ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I LOVE plyo but it’s been quite some time since I’ve done a full plyo workout! Definitely going to give this a try- thanks so much for sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. After doing the workout myself I realised that exercise #3 isn’t plyo but it does work the posterior chain and I found I welcomed the break from jumping by that time. Enjoy the workout!

  7. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says:

    I’ve recently learned how great plyometric exercises are. I need to incorporate them into my workout routine! Definitely pinning this workout for future use!

    1. Thanks Janelle! I find plyo workouts are great for when you want a hard workout but are short on time, I hope you enjoy it!