5 Tips for Healthier Winter Skin


Pin Share Flip If your skin gets dry in the winter you’re not alone –…

If your skin gets dry in the winter you’re not alone – approximately 1 in every 32 Canadians suffer daily from skin dryness, itchiness, and redness.  Winter running leaves my face extremely dry and my hands red and cracked.   Unfortunately it’s now that time of the year when skin is at it’s driest we need to be extra careful with our skin.  Because we can’t spend our winter hibernating or migrating to a warmer climate (as much as I want to) the following are 5 tips that will help you deal with those dreaded winter skin woes for healthier winter skin.

5 Tips for Healthier Winter Skin #beauty #tips

Healthier Winter Skin Tips:

  1. Moisturize throughout the day. Use a moisturizing facial mask and try using body lotion even before you’ve left the shower, right after rinsing soap or body wash. It will help lock in some extra moisture.
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  2. Skip the alcohol. Avoid skin and hairstyling products that have a high alcoholic content. When alcohol evaporates, it feels cool and refreshing, but it also strips away moisture, so opt for alcohol-free products, when the air is already dry.
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  3. Lock in moisture. After using products containing shea butter, petrolatum, mineral oil, tea tree oil or glycerin. For intense relief, moisturise hands and feet at night, and then slip on gloves or socks to lock in the moisture.q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B077XR64B1&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=moonthru 20 -ir?t=moonthru 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B077XR64B1 -
  4. Skip the hot shower. Hot water showers may feel great in winter, but they wreak havoc on your already dry skin. Try a lukewarm shower instead, and then pat your skin dry with a towel.
  5. Seek advice from the experts.  Visit a Shoppers Drug Mart store near you where their Beauty Experts offer in-store complimentary skin care consultations!  The Beauty Experts will complete a skin analysis using the beautyRx tool, a Video Microscope that magnifies your skin’s surface by 30 times to help diagnose your skin type and a Moisture Checker that measures you skins hydration levels.  Based on your readings, the Beauty Expert will recommend skin care products accordingly.

 Bring it on winter, we’re ready for you!!

Do you suffer from dry skin in the winter?
What’s your favourite skin care product for winter skin?


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  1. (((takes notes. so so cold here)))

  2. uggh I’m such a non-girly girl, I wouldn’t have thought of ANY of these tips. I am ashamed to admit I don’t really have any skin care products or regimens I use. I suppose that’s a good thing, that my body maintains an equal homeostasis and does what it’s supposed to? Thank you for sharing!

  3. Kerri Olkjer says:

    My skin is SO dry in the winter. Of course I live in Colorado and it’s SO dry here, lol.

  4. Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says:

    Just can’t give up that hot shower but I have been using the Oil of Olay for years and I love it. I think it’s one of the best beauty products out there.

  5. Sandra Laflamme says:

    Winter skin is the absolute worst! We all struggle with dry skin through the winter at my house. I run the humidifiers all winter. We also find aquaphor to be super helpful for little chapped hands and chapped lips. Hot showers can definitely aggravate dry skin so my kids go every other day with showers unless they are exceptionally dirty ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Good tips. Yes, it is hard to lower the heat in the shower in the Winter but it does make a difference. I live in a much moister climate now (Vancouver Island) and it is much better for skin than the dry interior and also prairies where I lived previously.

  7. Great tips! I love my hot showers, although I have been forced to take cooler ones until my landlord fixes the water, maybe it is a blessing in disguise.

  8. Jen @ Pretty Little Grub says:

    I totally needed this right now! My skin is super dry. I’m not sure I’m willing to give up my hot showers but the rest I can definitely do.

  9. Jack Sh*t says:

    You know what’s good for circulation of blood vessels in your face? A sharp slap across the cheek. Well, that’s what my wife Anita tells me (I think that’s what she says; honestly, I don’t really pay much attention unless she slaps me).