Full Body Kettlebell Workout
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If you’re new here, #MotivateME Monday is a weekly link-up co-hosted by myself and Run Mommy Run for accountability and encouragement. It’s a place for us to share goals, plans, successes and have each other to pick us up to keep moving forward.
Happy Monday! I sat down to write this week’s #MotivateMe Monday post and I realised I didn’t have very much to say. This week I came up with one excuse or another to skip my workouts. Work is too busy to go for a run on my lunch break, I’m too tired, I have to take the girls to hockey, etc…. I even blew off an opportunity to run this morning because I was “too tired” after taking my youngest to her 6:15 am hockey game. When I realised I was just making excuses, I put down my laptop, grabbed my phone (seconds timer app) and my kettlebells and did 3 sets of a full body workout before sitting down to write this post:
I need to stop and realise more often that I feel so much better if I do a workout then if I sit and wallow in my excuses. Skipping workouts is not getting me to where I want to be.
This week I ran 5.8 km around the park on Tuesday during my lunch break. It unfortunately took a lot of of self-motivation, I don’t know why it’s taking me so much mental effort to get out there. Then, on Wednesday morning I ran 3 x 5 min speed repeats – it was a lot of fun! For some reason I couldn’t muster the internal strength to run again on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Last month I ran my highest mileage month in a LONG time, why don’t I want to continue that? Why am I making so many excuses?
My goal for this month was to take it easy on myself, and not to get down for missing workouts. So next week is a new week. A week to put the excuses away and to just do it.
This week’s fitness plan:
Monday: 55 minute moderate intensity run (50 min 70-80% max HR)
Tuesday: Kettlebell strength workout
Wednesday: 40 min intervals (3 x 5 min @80% max, 2 min 70%)
Thur: 5k easy lunch run
Friday: 40 minute easy run (20 min 70-80% max HR)
Saturday: Kettlebell strength workout
Sunday: 75 min easy run (60-70% max HR)
Have a healthy and active week everybody!
How was your weekend?
What’s on your meal and fitness plans for this week?
Join the #MOTIVATEME link up!
The “rules” are simple:
1. Every Monday share your fitness, nutrition plan etc by linking them up. All you will need is your post’s URL, and a photo you would like to attach.
2. Posts that aren’t related will be deleted.
3.In your post, we would love it if you mentioned that you’re participating in #MotivateMe Monday link up, and link back to the hosts Salads 4 Lunch and Run Mommy Run.
4. Read what the other linkers are sharing, Visit at least 2 other bloggers’ posts and share some support by commenting and engaging with each other. The more you support, the more support you will get back.
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