30 Healthy Egg Recipes
Pin Share Flip These healthy egg recipes can be made in advance, delicious and are…
These healthy egg recipes can be made in advance, delicious and are packed with vegetables!
Nutrition is as important to sport performance as training and rest is, yet it’s that one piece of the performance triad that I struggle the most with. In our house we go through dozens of eggs a week. I find that they’re such a healthy and convenient way to get an extra boost of protein to help my body repair the damage that training does to my muscles. Because muscle is comprised mainly of protein, it’s important to supply my body with that in order to heal and to progress.
Here’s the conversion information for liquid eggs to shell eggs:
63 g (1/4 cup) is equivalent to 1 Extra Large egg
50 mL or 3.3 tablespoons replaces 1 large egg
1 carton or 250 mL is equivalent to four (4) servings
I usually just eat hard boiled eggs either before or after my training runs, and while they are very yummy, there comes a point where you need to branch out and try preparing eggs another way.
Here are 30 great healthy egg recipes to try:
- Mason Jar Breakfast Casserole by Plaid & Paleo
- Make Ahead Keto Breakfast Egg Casserole by Salads for Lunch
- Camembrie Spinach and Tomato Omelette by Organic Runner Mom
- Egg White Collard Wrap by Pancake Warriors
- Quinoa Veggie Muffins by Itz Linz
- Perfect Hard Boiled Egg & Deviled Eggs by Fun Fit Flavor
- Air Fryer Poached Eggs Benedict by Salads for Lunch
With the help of Burnbrae Farms eggs and the healthy egg recipes kindly shared with me by my friends, the Mississauga Half Marathon will be one of my best races ever – I can’t wait!
What’s your favourite way to eat eggs?