FUN Winter & Family Day Activity Ideas

Pin Share Flip Save Keeping kids busy and entertained without the use of TV’s and…

Keeping kids busy and entertained without the use of TV’s and other screens when the temperature drops, or otherwise keeps you indoors isn’t easy – I know, I have 3 little mini-me’s. My girls have a TON of energy (just like me), but if I don’t harness that into fun activities they make their own “fun” (which usually involves jumping on the beds and messing the house up).

FUN Winter & Family Day activities

This weekend is one of those weekends, so I thought I’d share with you our FUN winter and Family Day activities…

When we woke up yesterday morning, fresh snow had fallen. Hubby headed out to snow blow the driveway, and of course the 3 girls couldn’t wait to play in it (who can blame them?):



So immediately after breakfast we put our snowsuits on right over our pajamas (tell me I’m not the only one who does this) and headed out to make some snowmen:

After wards we came in and had some warm milk to warm us up. Then we grabbed a bunch of boxes out of my recycling, piled them and launched various stuffed toys at the towers – our favourite game… Angry Birds!

Angry Birds then turned into a fun game of what we call “Stuffy Tag”. The person who’s “it” chases the others and throws stuffed toys at them. If you get hit by a stuffy, then you’re “it”. The kids loved being allowed to throw things in the house.

Later in the day we played “Marching Band” with my pots and pans. BANG BANG BANG! What kid doesn’t like to make noise? Amber (15 mos) really enjoyed this game because it was one that she could fully participate in.

Then we played “Spacemen” – we put the pots and pans on our heads, then pretended to SHOOT up to outer space (by jumping off of the couch):

And finally we concluded our day of fun with a game of knee hockey, and even the baby got involved (she was on my “team”):

All in all we’ve been having a fantastic FUN filled winter weekend!

What fun indoor activities do you do with your family?

More recipes to enjoy:

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  1. You are SUCH a great mom! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I adore this.
    it’s what we do here in the 100+heat of the summer too.
    dance parties, obstacle courses ANYTHING HIDING INSIDE!

  3. Angel Collins says:

    I think kids likes winter season ’cause they get to see the snow fall and play with it and make some snowman or something. Kids are much more alive even if its so chilly.

  4. Glad to see the kids are back in full force, after the horror days of puking, from a couple weeks ago ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Christine says:

    Wow, you have snow! I swear its still summer over here. I think this is our first overcast day. I wanna play spaceman – That’s awesome. We tend to take out the video games, play a board game or bake something delicious when we have to stay in and play.