Big Things Can Be Accomplished with Small Daily Goals
16 months ago, (right after I had Amber) I realised that I needed to make some positive changes for my overall health. I had just newly become a mom for the third time to a wonderful little girl ” another little girl who would eventually look up to me to be a positive role model (body image, health, self-worth etc). I’ve always been active, but I haven’t always paid attention to what I ate and the messages that I was sending to my daughters about food. As we all know, nutrition is a BIG part of overall health. My biggest downfall was that I would consume way too much sugar, and would eat to satisfy my moods. I also didn ‘t eat enough protein or fruits and veggies. I ‘m not one for banning or restricting foods so instead I decided to create daily personal goals ” little goals that if I met them they would help my body to perform as best as it can (which is very important for my training goals). And because I was eating better, I could model healthy eating to my daughters.
Below are the goals I set for myself to accomplish every day:
- Eat 7-8 servings of fruits and veggies.
- Consume 60g of lean protein (whey protein, eggs, tuna, salmon, chicken, lean beef)
- Drink 100 oz of water (Because I ‘m still nursing and training I need to consume more than most people)
- Take a multivitamin EVERY morning (I take mine as soon as I get in to work with my water)
- Exercise for a minimum of 30 min every day ” it can be running, spinning class, bodypump, or even a power walk ” my motto is JUST MOVE!
What I wasn’t expecting was the results I would see from doing this:
- My daughters have now gotten used to the fact that snacks are fruit, veggies, cheese, yogurt etc
- I run faster now than I did in my twenties ” I created training plans that would help motivate me to do my minimum of 30 min of exercise, the bonus result is that I ‘m not much faster! (And I hope to set a new half marathon PR on Sunday ….)
- I have more energy ” like TONS more energy
- I weigh now 25lbs less than I did when when I found out I was pregnant with Amber (this wasn’t a goal, it’s just something that happened along the way)
- I feel AWESOME! I ‘m happier, I look at the bright side of life, I ‘m more fun around the kids!
What I ‘m trying to say is……
Making positive changes for your health can seem daunting at first. I know because I’ve been there. Last January I could barely run down the street, but by following small daily goals I gradually built up my endurance, then my strength and speed.