Three Reasons to Work Out in the Cold

Pin Share Flip Save Because yesterday’s challenge in the “30 Challenges for 30 Days” was…

Because yesterday’s challenge in the “30 Challenges for 30 Days” was to go for a 20 min walk, and it’s getting rather cold out, I thought I would share with you 3 reasons to work out in the cold, after all, our instinct in this weather is to completely avoid the cold and either workout indoors, or cuddle up beside the fireplace (even my instinct is to stay in the warmth).

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While going for a walk in the chilly air may not be your idea of fun, here are three benefits of wintry outdoor exercise for you to consider:

#1 Your body likes a change of pace.

Exercising indoors during cold weather can get boring. Why not break up the monotony? You may find the cool air invigorating.

#2 It burns more calories

You have to increase your exercise pace to stay warm outside in cold weather. The benefit? You burn more calories. Cold-weather workouts also can enhance your performance because you’re working a little harder.

#3 It’s fun!

Your mind could use some fun. Get out and soak up the elements again with renewed appreciation – the falling leaves and wind-blown trees, even the rain and snowfall.

I bundled up yesterday and went for a nice 35 min run and it was rather enjoyable. There was a woman zooming through the park in a motorized wheelchair, and I know this may sound mean, but I made it a personal challenge to try to keep up with her pace. Man! Those things sure are fast!

Question/Sharing: What’s your favourite outdoor winter workout?

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  1. Pingback: 6 Benefits of Keeping a Workout Log - Fitness Cheerleader
  2. 351589528210515 says:

    Love running on a cold morning! As long as there is not arctic winds and ice, lol.

  3. 351589528210515 says:

    Love running on a cold morning! As long as there is not arctic winds and ice, lol.

  4. 784240444 says:

    I took my 20 minute walk, I have to make sure to get all my water in today ๐Ÿ™‚ I would rather work out in the cold than in the heat… it is way more comfortable:)

  5. 148641518497843 says:

    Great post! I enjoy working out in the cold… ONCE I AM OUT THERE and already warm. It is the whole getting up and going that is my biggest struggle. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. 252544738149220 says:

    I love running in the cold weather! Burning more calories makes it even better ;).