How to Make the World’s Greatest Grilled Cheese Sandwiches


Pin Share Flip Save This past weekend, my hubby and the kids made me the…

This past weekend, my hubby and the kids made me the most delicious grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner – but these were not just ANY grilled cheese sandwiches. Nope – these were, in my humble opinion, the WORLD’S GREATEST grilled cheese sandwiches. Why?  Because they were made with LOVE.  Lots and lots of LOVE:

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And homemade bread:

breadmachinebread -

Mmmmmm homemade bread!  How I love thee!

Because these sandwiches were so incredibly yummy and so incredibly somewhat healthy (well – healthier than the bread that you buy at the store), I thought I’d share with you how to make your very own WORLD’S GREATEST grilled cheese sandwiches:



On a cool fall day there is really nothing better than the smell of fresh bread baking in the house, and a grilled cheese sandwich is the perfect way to enjoy that bread!

Question/Sharing: What’s your favourite cool fall day meal?

PS – I’m trying out FaceBook Social Comments on the blog for the next few weeks as a test/case study as part of my work with the Ontario Women’s Triathlon committee.  Do you mind using your FaceBook account to comment, please? Thanks!

If you have a FaceBook fan page, you can comment as your page by clicking the change link next to the blue comment box.

More recipes to enjoy:

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  1. 670679107 says:

    LOVE the smell of fresh bread. So yummy.

  2. 154976494528546 says:


  3. Erin Marshall says:

    I put real bacon bits in my grilled cheese sandwiches. Yummiosity!

    1. Cheryl Snelleman says:

      I am seriously going to make myself a grilled cheese sandwich for a snack right now. lol

  4. 329460279310 says:

    Thank you to everyone who has been helping me to test out and work out all of the bugs with the facebook social plugin for comments on the blog – you guys rock!

  5. 775930130 says:

    Thank you to everyone who has been helping me to test out and work out all of the bugs with the facebook social plugin for comments on my blog Fitness Cheerleader – you guys rock!

  6. 775930130 says:

    Thank you to everyone who has been helping me to test out and work out all of the bugs with the facebook social plugin for comments on my blog Fitness Cheerleader – you guys rock!

  7. 351901631554857 says:

    Hi! Great recipe – thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. She's Losing says:

    Hi! Great recipe – thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Running Rachel says:

    Oh my YUM! This looks DELICIOUS! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Rachel Steffen says:

      haha… not her daughters (although they ARE precious)… her grilled cheese recipe!! OH MY YUM! ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Rachel Steffen says:

      Fitness Cheerleader

    3. Fitness Cheerleader says:

      LOL – thanks Rachel!!

    4. Rachel Steffen says:

      On your blog I didn't notice the photo… but when I came on facebook I had to make sure I clarified what was "delicious" <3

  10. Amber Kozera says:

    Not sure if this will post from my FB page or not. But I was going to say I should try making my own bread sometime. GF bread is expensive!

    1. Fitness Cheerleader says:

      Have you noticed how many ingredients are in the store-bought bread? Ewwwwww…..

  11. Fitness Cheerleader says:

    Ahhhhhh yes – that would be the perfect time for a yummy grilled cheese ๐Ÿ™‚ Did all of your trees survive the wind?

  12. Foodosaurus Rex says:

    Yum! I don't know why I've never thought to use homemade bread for grilled cheese. I must remedy that immediately!

    1. Fitness Cheerleader says:

      It is soooooo delicious! Add some bacon or ham and it's to die for!

    2. Fitness Cheerleader says:

      It is soooooo delicious! Add some bacon or ham and it's to die for!