The Post In Which I Beg For a Sponsor


Pin Share Flip Save Two weeks ago I got FANTASTIC news: I was picked to…

Two weeks ago I got FANTASTIC news: I was picked to be a live-blogger for FITBLOGGIN’ 11!  To say I was honoured and humbled is putting it mildly.  I was also ecstatic! I may have even danced around the house singing to baby Amber.

buttonliveblog -

But then reality set in – I’m a mom.  With THREE daughters. Daughters who need to play sports, yanno, to help build self-confidence.  And those things cost money.  Money that I was considering spending on a flight to Baltimore.   How on earth could I be that selfish?

So I need help.  I’ve done the math and going to this conference will cost pretty close to $1000. My flight alone is $550.

Yes, I’ve been invited to be a live-blogger at the Fitbloggin’ Conference which covers the conference fee, but not my hotel or flight. I need a sponsor in order to attend.  In return for sponsorship, I would be willing to represent your company and products while at the conference and socially online over the next 5 months.  The Fitbloggin conference, held in Baltimore, Maryland in late May, is two days of education, networking, friendship and fun for health and fitness bloggers. It is a popular conference and offers a great opportunity for me to promote products to over 350 bloggers well respected in the health and fitness community.  This can be done through product giveaways, and by placing your company info on the back of my contact card that I will hand out during the conference.

Online I can promote products through blog posts, blog giveaways, ad squares, and by hosting a twitter party.  The blog post promotion can be done through a weekly series of posts on my blogs that chronicle my return to running (I had my third baby in November) and the 4 races I’ve registered for this year (an 8k in April, a 10K and a 1/2 marathon in May, and another 1/2 marathon in October). Ads can be either header banner ads, or square sidebar ads hosted on my sites for the next 5 months.

In addition to blog posts and a twitter party, I can also promote your products offline to my network of family and friends.

Please contact me email: if this is a relationship and opportunity that you wish to persue.

All the best in health and fitness,

PS – Below are my blog stats:

FITNESS CHEERLEADER (site is growing at a steady rate of 20%/month)
Unique Visitors: 2400
Page views: 4700
Google Page Rank: 3
Twitter followers (fitcheerldr): 2,800
Klout Score: 65
Alexa ranking (World wide): 219,000
Alexa ranking (US): 51,000
Alexa Ranking (CAN): 20,000
Facebook friends: over 300
Facebook fans: 161


(Top Google search result for “mom running”)
Unique Visitors: 1200
Page views: 1800
Google Page Rank: 4
Twitter followers (momontherun): 2,200
Klout Score: 49
Facebook friends: over 300

More recipes to enjoy:

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  1. Pingback: Why I Deserve to go to Fitbloggin’ | Fitness Cheerleader
  2. Pingback: The Post In Which I Sadly Announce That I Can’t go to Fitbloggin’ | Fitness Cheerleader
  3. RunEatRepeat says:

    I’m gonna be there & hope to meet ya! Good luck 🙂

    1. Thanks! I really hope that I can go – though my deadline to tell Roni if I’m coming is fast approaching 🙁