Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s A Kettlebell HIIT Workout for You


Pin Share Flip Save Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I know for many of us (myself…

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

I know for many of us (myself included) Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to eat too much chocolate, and to show our loved ones how much we care about them. Because I live way too far away from you to send you chocolate, I put together a special Valentine’s Day gift for you:

A Heart Healthy Kettlebell HIIT Workout:

Heart Healthy Kettlebell HIIT Workout - for more instructions visit:

I tested this out and it turned me into a hot sweaty mess – it was awesome!!

Kettlebell HIIT Workout

The stair repeats part is easy – run up and down the stairs in your house as fast as you can for 2 min.  Don’t have stairs? You can do step ups with a step.

Then for the kettlebell part… I got these from Shape.com – you can find all the instructions on how to do these exercises via the links below:

Not into kettlebells?  Then here’s a gratuitous picture of Lance Armstrong swinging a kettlebell for you to ogle instead:

Heart Healthy Kettlebell HIIT Workout

I hope you have a great Valentine’s Day everyone!

Remember: You can achieve what you believe!

More recipes to enjoy:

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  1. Pingback: #MotivateMe Monday: Back in the Game | Pedoman Praktis Fat Loss
  2. This looks awesome! I’m always looking for new things to do with my KB!!!

  3. Linda @ TheFitty says:

    What a way to get your heart pumping for Valentine’s day!

  4. Pingback: The Road to Boston: Week 16 - Fitness Cheerleader a Health and Fitness Blog
  5. Pingback: The Road to Boston: Week 15 Recap - Fitness Cheerleader a Health and Fitness Blog
  6. rachel @RunningRachel says:

    What a super fun workout!!

  7. Oh no, hugs! I hope your back is better soon!

  8. Krysten (@darwinianfail) says:

    GREAT workout!!!

  9. Jennifer Hudy says:

    Janice, it has been quite a while since I’ve been to your page, but WOW, it’s looking SUPER CUTE! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for the KB workout.. and the eye candy..

    1. Thanks Jennifer!! I decided to ditch the red and to teach myself how to customise Genesis child themes. I also felt that a more colourful header & theme would reflect me better. This is the result of those two drivers ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. 185488191485201 says:

    Great workout! Love Kettlebells!

  11. 100000817661461 says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Thx for this great workout. I LOVE kettlebells ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. 284902348297011 says:

    I just did some K-bells yesterday. This looks like a great workout. I pinned it. I am thinking of getting a contoured K-bell like yours. The only thing I hate is the pressure on my forearm. I think the contoured one would help minimize this.

  13. 666074465 says:

    since the move my KB hath been collecting dust. no mo’

  14. 666074465 says:

    since the move my KB hath been collecting dust. no mo’

  15. 666074465 says:

    since the move my KB hath been collecting dust. no mo’