Kettlebell Strength Circuit+ #MotivateMe Monday
Pin Share Flip Save Happy Monday! I’m super happy and excited because I’m on…

Happy Monday!
I’m super happy and excited because I’m on vacation this week! No rushing the kids to summer camps, no eating dinners in the van on the way to softball practice/games and really no need to even get dressed most days!
This past week was VERY busy. Hubby was away for work in Denver so I was solo parenting. I wish I could have gone with him, as I’ve always wanted to run in Denver (I hear it’s beautiful there), but alas someone had to hold down the fort at home. My workouts were pretty much non-existent last week except for this awesome strength circuit workout that I did on Wednesday morning in front of the house before work with my workout buddies.
Even after hubby came back home on Thursday morning, things were rather hectic. We had to divide up to conquer the two provincial softball championship tournaments. Thursday night Sierra had her league’s gold medal final game (they won), then Friday night she played their first game in the provincials, while Brooke’s team had a practice. Saturday morning Brooke, Amber and I headed out early to Brantford for Brooke’s provincial softball championships, and Hubby and Sierra went the opposite direction to her team’s second provincial softball game. Unfortunately neither team won any games, but I am so proud of them anyways. They played their hearts out, and thus another summer of softball is pretty much over – there’s only a few house league games and practices left before tryouts for next year’s teams.
Sierra’s team:
Brooke’s team:
This week by comparison is going to be far more mellow… thank goodness! I’m really looking forward to this week home with the girls. Hubby is working so it’ll just be us girls doing girl things like:
- spending a day at the beach
- getting our hair cut
- having a nice lunch out
- doing some back-to-school shopping (to match the shoes they’ve already picked out)
- and just hanging out by the pool.
My fitness plan for this week looks like this:
Monday: 8k run + coaching Brooke’s softball practice
Tuesday: Kettlebell workout
Wednesday: 8k run + coaching Brooke’s softball game
Thur: Kettlebell workout
Friday: 8k morning run
Saturday: Rest – my friend Christine’s wedding!
Sunday: Run + Kettlebell workout
To use up the left overs that I had in the fridge from last week’s meals, I made up a batch of vegan quinoa salad. I love how easy this is to make, and how tasty it is. Although I’m not at work this week, this is also great for lunches.
[yumprint-recipe id=’35’]
[Tweet “Easy-peasy vegan quinoa salad recipe from @salads4lunch”]
Whats your favourite quinoa salad?
How was your weekend?
What’s on your workout plan for this week?
Join the #MOTIVATEME link up!
The rules are simple:
1. Every Monday share your fitness, nutrition plan etc by linking them up. All you will need is your post’s URL, and a photo you would like to attach.2. Posts that aren’t related will be deleted.3.In your post, we would love it if you mentioned that you’re participating in #MotivateMe Monday link up, and link back to the hosts Salads 4 Lunch and Run Mommy Run.4. Read what the other linkers are sharing, Visit at least 2 other bloggers’ posts and share some support by commenting and engaging with each other. The more you support, the more support you will get back.
[Tweet “Join the #MotivateMe linkup w @salads4lunch and @runmommyrunca: “]
Linking up with Deborah and Sarah and with Running on Happy and The Fit Foodie Mama for Meatless Monday.