YES! You CAN Get Fit at Home!
Pin Share Flip Save Five years ago I had my first child – she was…
Five years ago I had my first child – she was colicky, clingy and exclusively breast fed. I wanted to get fit, but couldn’t bring myself to leave her in the daycare of the gym, or leave her with someone else at home. As a result, I had a really hard time losing the 40lbs of pregnancy weight that I gained that year. Truthfully I’ve never completely lost all of it – I have about 9lbs left to go (but it’s not about my weight)
You see when I was completing my Kinesiology degree many moons ago, you could often find me lifting weights in the dryland conditioning center or out running. I was very comfortable in a gym because of my education, and believed that in order to be fit and healthy you needed to be lifting some serious weight.
I was wrong.

You CAN get fit anywhere you please as long as you have two things: MOTIVATION and DETERMINATION!
I’m just learning about getting fit at home – it’s taken me over five years to embrace the concept 🙂 and I’ve spent time looking around… Guess what I’ve found??! There’s a TON of tools that can help you reach your fitness goals AT HOME! Yanno, without an expensive gym membership.
Here are the options I’ve found for myself:
- EASports Active Workouts for the Wii
- Just Dance for the Wii
- Valslides & the corresponding DVD
- Kettlebells and the Enter The KettleBells Workout DVD
- The 30 day Shred DVD
- p90X DVD’s and nutrition plan
I’m still learning, and I was wondering, what are your personal get fit at home choices?
PS – Tomorrow night (Wednesday) I’ve been asked to be a panelist at the Play Your Way-Personal Fitness Twitter Party w/ @GameStop from 8-10pm EST!! We’ll be discussing the many ways to get fit at home – care to join me?